As earlier introduced, the Syrian Nation has set the foundation of what we are enjoying today, being it, Languages to communicate, Music to express our feelings, Ships to sail the seas, Agriculture, Legislation, schools, almost every foundation for our modern Life.
Following is a Video Clip that tells the story of the Assyrian Legacy, Those Syrian Ancestors to whom we hold every respect and tribute for their achievements.
Not only we shall observe the importance of their civilization development, but the great impact they have set on the evolution of Life, not to mention their Positive influence on the course of Humanity.
Watch the Video and Judge for yourself.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Natural Syria – Part 7
There is no Preference in Ancient civilization achievements due to the importance of every production. Accordingly I shall Randomly Pick Tasks that have played a major role in the advancement of Human Life.
Writings and Language:
Imagine a world with no written Languages, How would people communicate, How would Knowledge spread around, How would people communicate, how would Nations Develop, and how would our Life be?
The First ever written Language in history is the Sumerian Language. Although Primitive, Yet it holds the Privilege of efficient communication Legacy, An additional Honor to the Syrian Nation.
The Sumerian Writings (Scripts) called Cuneiform, Meaning “Wedge shaped”.
It is with no doubt that the invention of Cuneiform Scripts had opened the way for other Ancient Syrian Ethnicities to develop their own Languages until the alphabets came to birth in both Ugarit and Byblos, the Two Canaanite city Kingdoms at the shores of the Amoro Sea.
"The difference between cuneiform and an alphabet is that the cuneiform system was composed of a large number of symbolic signs which represent things, ideas, words, etc., while an alphabet is composed of approximately 30 or fewer signs which represent the individual sounds of a spoken language." (Source)
The Alphabet Family Tree below speaks for itself, as it is obvious that Those Early Syrians had given Humanity the foundation of communication upon which Literature was expressed, Science was circulated and advanced through means of Registration, and Treaties were initiated to end conflicts and strengthen international cooperation, and,,, Just let your imagination Explore the Potentials provided by such Great invention, if not the Greatest.

The Wheel:
Look around you, every object you see relies on a wheel, being it the paint on the wall, the chair you are sitting on, the cloths you are wearing, the Monitor you are watching, and I mean everything.
How is that?
Paint is a mixture of various Chemicals that goes through a process of milling, mixing, Packaging and other processes. The industrial Machines that cater for such Process, consists of various mechanical parts, such as Gears, Shafts, Rotating motors and others. Those are forms of a wheel.
The same applies in the Manufacturing of cloths, Monitors, chairs and almost every utility we use in our daily life.
If it weren’t for the invention of the wheel, how would our lives be today?
The invention of the wheel is behind it all. And the Early Syrians (Sumerians), were the first to bring the wheel to life.
The oldest wheel known was discovered in Mesopotamia and probably dates back to 3,500 B.C.
This wheel was believed to have been made by the Sumerians. It was made of planks of wood joined together. The picture below briefly describes the stages of development of the wheel.
If it weren’t for the invention of the wheel, how would our lives be today?
The invention of the wheel is behind it all. And the Early Syrians (Sumerians), were the first to bring the wheel to life.
The oldest wheel known was discovered in Mesopotamia and probably dates back to 3,500 B.C.
This wheel was believed to have been made by the Sumerians. It was made of planks of wood joined together. The picture below briefly describes the stages of development of the wheel.

The invention of the wheel was a turning point in the course of civilization, for it provided easier and faster means of transportation. Goods were transported faster from one place to another, thus providing better efficiency in the Trading business, Food circulation in Communities, Carrying heavy Loads which contributed much to the construction of huge temples like the Ziggurat, and advanced military power over enemies due to swift movements of chariots in battle fields driven by warriors.

The use of wheels at a later stage developed to the introduction of Processing Machines and tools like the pottery wheel which allowed for better shaped potteries that also contributed to the well being of Ancient communities.
Not to mention the introduction of Cylindrical Seals and stamps that contributed to the registration of Legal Deeds, Royal announcement, Mythological events and concepts and much more.
In short, if it weren’t for the wheel, Life would have been different today.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Natural Syria – Part 6
What is Civilization?
What is the Importance of Civilization?
After a thorough research on the Meaning of Civilization and its definition, Many Scholars, Philosophers or the Like have addressed this concept from different perspective, shedding light on its various meanings, Yet, every attempt poured into a common conclusion:
Civilization is the Transformation from a Nomad way of Life to a settled way of Life.
In other words, Civilization is usually understood to be a complex society characterized by the practice of agriculture and settlement in cities.
Let us try to simplify the above.
Building a house requires resources such as Time, Material and Knowledge (Architectural and Structural), not to mention a thorough understanding of one’s environment.
Since the Nomad Way of life does not provide the above required elements, then Nomads cannot build a house, let alone a city or a more complex Community. Thus the fundamentals of developing life with advanced understanding of its values and qualities cannot be achieved by moving from one place to another as a systematic way of life.
Music needs Vision, talent, Instruments, Language, Ideas and feelings that provoke one’s Potential to create it, To have such, it takes Peace of Mind, a sense of security that food and shelter are available at all times.
The same applies on Poetry, Engineering Law Making, and all sorts of achievements that cater for a better Life, and certainly a Nomad does not have what it takes to provide the grounds to Create and improve.
So where does Civilization start from?
To start exploring the Potential of Inventing, Improvising, Creating and Establishing, an ethnic group needs to be settled in one place for a long period of time, meaning for generations to follow. In order to achieve such, continuous supply of food is a vital and essential requirement, which can only be secured by production and not by relying on what Nature provides on its own.
Agriculture is the Name of the Game.
Agriculture = Settlement = Civilization.
Syria is the Nation that Pioneered this task, Introducing Agriculture, Settlement and Civilization to the History of Human Kind. (1)
When Kramer said that HISTORY STARTS AT SUMER, he certainly meant the history of civilization and not the History of MAN KINd, or let’s say the term history is Organically related to the term Civilization, for there is no meaning in terms of Value for history if Civilization had not been established.
Antoun Saadah said: History is the Registration of the course of Life.
Life in its fundamental meaning of Virtues, Values and Qualities, whereby Humans would translate by practice their Natural ability to improve and prosper in harmony of a community's Vision and Character.
How did the first ever civilization in Human Kind history start in Natural Syria, and how did it develop and progress through following generations of ethnicities?
This is what I shall try to address in my next post.
(1) – Jacques Couvin, Les Premiers Villages de Syrie
What is Civilization?
What is the Importance of Civilization?
After a thorough research on the Meaning of Civilization and its definition, Many Scholars, Philosophers or the Like have addressed this concept from different perspective, shedding light on its various meanings, Yet, every attempt poured into a common conclusion:
Civilization is the Transformation from a Nomad way of Life to a settled way of Life.
In other words, Civilization is usually understood to be a complex society characterized by the practice of agriculture and settlement in cities.
Let us try to simplify the above.
Building a house requires resources such as Time, Material and Knowledge (Architectural and Structural), not to mention a thorough understanding of one’s environment.
Since the Nomad Way of life does not provide the above required elements, then Nomads cannot build a house, let alone a city or a more complex Community. Thus the fundamentals of developing life with advanced understanding of its values and qualities cannot be achieved by moving from one place to another as a systematic way of life.
Music needs Vision, talent, Instruments, Language, Ideas and feelings that provoke one’s Potential to create it, To have such, it takes Peace of Mind, a sense of security that food and shelter are available at all times.
The same applies on Poetry, Engineering Law Making, and all sorts of achievements that cater for a better Life, and certainly a Nomad does not have what it takes to provide the grounds to Create and improve.
So where does Civilization start from?
To start exploring the Potential of Inventing, Improvising, Creating and Establishing, an ethnic group needs to be settled in one place for a long period of time, meaning for generations to follow. In order to achieve such, continuous supply of food is a vital and essential requirement, which can only be secured by production and not by relying on what Nature provides on its own.
Agriculture is the Name of the Game.
Agriculture = Settlement = Civilization.
Syria is the Nation that Pioneered this task, Introducing Agriculture, Settlement and Civilization to the History of Human Kind. (1)
When Kramer said that HISTORY STARTS AT SUMER, he certainly meant the history of civilization and not the History of MAN KINd, or let’s say the term history is Organically related to the term Civilization, for there is no meaning in terms of Value for history if Civilization had not been established.
Antoun Saadah said: History is the Registration of the course of Life.
Life in its fundamental meaning of Virtues, Values and Qualities, whereby Humans would translate by practice their Natural ability to improve and prosper in harmony of a community's Vision and Character.
How did the first ever civilization in Human Kind history start in Natural Syria, and how did it develop and progress through following generations of ethnicities?
This is what I shall try to address in my next post.
(1) – Jacques Couvin, Les Premiers Villages de Syrie
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Natural Syria – Part 5
The Canaanites:
Who does not know the Story of the Alphabets, the greatest achievement in the History of Mankind!
We Owe it to the Canaanites.
The Canaanites who inhabited the Shores of the Amoro Sea (The Mediterranean) extending from the Northern West Shores of Syria to the Southern Shores of what is Known in Modern History to be Palestine 3000 BC. Their Presence by the Sea Side had oriented their development towards the Exploration of the Sea. Great People, who had left an incredible impact on the advancement of social Life throughout History.
The Canaanites who were later Nick named as the Phoenicians by the Greeks were able to extend the Natural Life cycle of Natural Syria to Cyprus, Dominating the Seas of the Amoro, and beyond. Professional Traders with a superb Creative Mind, well talented with innovative Ideas such as ship Design and construction, documented communication, Art, Mythology and many more which we shall see in following posts.
The Canaanites established prominent city Kingdoms that had a great impact on the Greek and Roman Empires, such as Tyre, Byblos, Ugarit, Beyrout (The present capital of the State of Lebanon), The Great Sun City (Baalbek) which started as a Canaanite shrine and developed later into a Big City Kingdom imposing itself on all Conquerors like Romans and Arabs and others.
Their Sea travels had planted the seeds of Civilization in more than one Continent, Africa (North and South), Europe (Named after a Canaanite Princess), and their archeological Traces lead to America which is believed that the Inca and Maya Civilization was born out of the Canaanite’s Ritual Womb.
The Arameians:
The Aramites were known to have appeared on the Scene of History as Nomads, Wondering in South central and western Syria between 1600 – 1500 BC. They maintained a low profile until the Amorite Empire Weakened around 1500 BC, where they started taking over Authority by playing the Natural Role of a new born Civilization, Developing what they captured from existing ones embedding their Character in the new established production.
Their Major role and most effective one was the Aramite Language which became the Mother Tongue of almost every Language we use today. Their Language dominated Syria for a long time until the appearance of Jesus Christ, who communicated with people using Aramite.
It is also notable that the Arabic language, and Likewise Hebrew and Latin were derived and developed from the Aramite Language.
The Amonites:
To the East of the Jordan River, The Amonite, Mo’ab, Adoum and Median City Kingdoms’ Traces were found in addition to many others.
The Most Prominent city of their findings that survived different Natural and Political Changes is their Capital Rubbah – (Amman- The Capital of the Jordanian Kingdom today).
Extending back to 6000 BC, The Amonites Built Stone Shrines and Monuments that still stand witness to their early Mythology, in the mountainous surroundings of Present Amman.
The Nabatians:
8000 BC, North of the Hejaz Region, (Arabia Desert), an Ethnic Group started their journey in the course of history as Nomads. Maintaining survival until 600 BC when they migrated towards North East of Sinai and east of the Jordan River. They were the Nabatians (ANBAT).
Their innovative and peaceful character can be observed through the Great cities they left as witness to such Nature. Their cities such as Athru’ – Jarash – Karak – Shobak – Eillat – Mada’en and others were scattered on a vast area extending from the South West to the South East of Natural Syria.
The Nabatians’ Capital was (Sala’) which was later called by the Greeks PETRA, Meaning the Rock, and who doesn’t know the wonderfully carved city in the Rocky Mountains south Central of Syria.
Their Political state expanded to Reach the Bequaa’ Valley known as the Syrian Cavity due to the extension of fertile Planes between the Western and Eastern Mountain Series of Mount Lebanon.
The Nabatians, an additional Ethnic Thread in the Syrian Nation Fabric.
At this point, a general and brief introduction to the Syrian Ethnic elements would have been delivered so far leading to a further phase in this series,
The Syrian Civilization Achievements.
Who does not know the Story of the Alphabets, the greatest achievement in the History of Mankind!
We Owe it to the Canaanites.
The Canaanites who inhabited the Shores of the Amoro Sea (The Mediterranean) extending from the Northern West Shores of Syria to the Southern Shores of what is Known in Modern History to be Palestine 3000 BC. Their Presence by the Sea Side had oriented their development towards the Exploration of the Sea. Great People, who had left an incredible impact on the advancement of social Life throughout History.
The Canaanites who were later Nick named as the Phoenicians by the Greeks were able to extend the Natural Life cycle of Natural Syria to Cyprus, Dominating the Seas of the Amoro, and beyond. Professional Traders with a superb Creative Mind, well talented with innovative Ideas such as ship Design and construction, documented communication, Art, Mythology and many more which we shall see in following posts.
The Canaanites established prominent city Kingdoms that had a great impact on the Greek and Roman Empires, such as Tyre, Byblos, Ugarit, Beyrout (The present capital of the State of Lebanon), The Great Sun City (Baalbek) which started as a Canaanite shrine and developed later into a Big City Kingdom imposing itself on all Conquerors like Romans and Arabs and others.
Their Sea travels had planted the seeds of Civilization in more than one Continent, Africa (North and South), Europe (Named after a Canaanite Princess), and their archeological Traces lead to America which is believed that the Inca and Maya Civilization was born out of the Canaanite’s Ritual Womb.
The Arameians:
The Aramites were known to have appeared on the Scene of History as Nomads, Wondering in South central and western Syria between 1600 – 1500 BC. They maintained a low profile until the Amorite Empire Weakened around 1500 BC, where they started taking over Authority by playing the Natural Role of a new born Civilization, Developing what they captured from existing ones embedding their Character in the new established production.
Their Major role and most effective one was the Aramite Language which became the Mother Tongue of almost every Language we use today. Their Language dominated Syria for a long time until the appearance of Jesus Christ, who communicated with people using Aramite.
It is also notable that the Arabic language, and Likewise Hebrew and Latin were derived and developed from the Aramite Language.
The Amonites:
To the East of the Jordan River, The Amonite, Mo’ab, Adoum and Median City Kingdoms’ Traces were found in addition to many others.
The Most Prominent city of their findings that survived different Natural and Political Changes is their Capital Rubbah – (Amman- The Capital of the Jordanian Kingdom today).
Extending back to 6000 BC, The Amonites Built Stone Shrines and Monuments that still stand witness to their early Mythology, in the mountainous surroundings of Present Amman.
The Nabatians:
8000 BC, North of the Hejaz Region, (Arabia Desert), an Ethnic Group started their journey in the course of history as Nomads. Maintaining survival until 600 BC when they migrated towards North East of Sinai and east of the Jordan River. They were the Nabatians (ANBAT).
Their innovative and peaceful character can be observed through the Great cities they left as witness to such Nature. Their cities such as Athru’ – Jarash – Karak – Shobak – Eillat – Mada’en and others were scattered on a vast area extending from the South West to the South East of Natural Syria.
The Nabatians’ Capital was (Sala’) which was later called by the Greeks PETRA, Meaning the Rock, and who doesn’t know the wonderfully carved city in the Rocky Mountains south Central of Syria.
Their Political state expanded to Reach the Bequaa’ Valley known as the Syrian Cavity due to the extension of fertile Planes between the Western and Eastern Mountain Series of Mount Lebanon.
The Nabatians, an additional Ethnic Thread in the Syrian Nation Fabric.
At this point, a general and brief introduction to the Syrian Ethnic elements would have been delivered so far leading to a further phase in this series,
The Syrian Civilization Achievements.
Natural Syria – Part 4
The Assyrians:
An Ethnic Group who had a Great Impact on both, The Political and Civilization course in History.
Their Original Habitat was in the Upper Area of the Mesopotamia, Considered as The North East of Natural Syria (Around 3000 BC). As every self Initiated Civilization, the Assyrians Started up as a peaceful community, creating their small City Kingdoms, and as needs developed into more requirements for Expansion, They gradually expanded their presence on the Historical Scene by adapting Trading with their surrounding Habitat, Interacting with other Ethnical Groups, Only to realize that a Political domination of their General Habitat is the way to secure their Presence, Thus advancing further to establish an Empire that covered the whole of Natural Syria and beyond, Known in History as The Assyrian Empire.
We shall see further on that the Assyrian Empire had adapted the Arameian Language as the official Language, which led most of the present Historians to the theory that the Name Syria was derived from Assyria, developed by dialect as follows:
Ashouria – Ashyria –Assyria – Syria – Souria.
The Amorites:
The Amorites Inhabited Central Syria, West of the Mesopotamia around 3000 BC, Like the Early trend of New Born Civilization, the Amorites started by establishing City Kingdoms in Central Syria and Expanded North and South to dominate a wider area, it is believed that their Expansion had reached the Shores of the Amoro Sea ( The Mediterranean ), establishing their own City Kingdoms Like Amrite at the Northern Part of the Amoro Sea Shores, as well as conquering some of the Canaanite City Kingdoms.
Their Expansion extended south to threaten the Egyptian Borders, and around 2100 BC they attempted to unite both the Sumerians and the Akkadians in one Kingdom called Babylonia. Around 1830 BC Somu Abum the Amorite declared himself King of Babylonia.
The Amorite Influence had even reached the Assyrian Empire by introducing prominent political figures such as the Shamshi H’dud Dynasty (1814 BC).
It is believed that the Name Amoro which means (WEST), was used by the ethnical Groups south of Mesopotamia, (The Akkadians and Sumerians mainly), as an indication to the people in the West. Which later by time such a description had become an Identity.
The Canaanites, The Arameians and other Minor Ethnicities will follow in my next Posts.
An Ethnic Group who had a Great Impact on both, The Political and Civilization course in History.
Their Original Habitat was in the Upper Area of the Mesopotamia, Considered as The North East of Natural Syria (Around 3000 BC). As every self Initiated Civilization, the Assyrians Started up as a peaceful community, creating their small City Kingdoms, and as needs developed into more requirements for Expansion, They gradually expanded their presence on the Historical Scene by adapting Trading with their surrounding Habitat, Interacting with other Ethnical Groups, Only to realize that a Political domination of their General Habitat is the way to secure their Presence, Thus advancing further to establish an Empire that covered the whole of Natural Syria and beyond, Known in History as The Assyrian Empire.
We shall see further on that the Assyrian Empire had adapted the Arameian Language as the official Language, which led most of the present Historians to the theory that the Name Syria was derived from Assyria, developed by dialect as follows:
Ashouria – Ashyria –Assyria – Syria – Souria.
The Amorites:
The Amorites Inhabited Central Syria, West of the Mesopotamia around 3000 BC, Like the Early trend of New Born Civilization, the Amorites started by establishing City Kingdoms in Central Syria and Expanded North and South to dominate a wider area, it is believed that their Expansion had reached the Shores of the Amoro Sea ( The Mediterranean ), establishing their own City Kingdoms Like Amrite at the Northern Part of the Amoro Sea Shores, as well as conquering some of the Canaanite City Kingdoms.
Their Expansion extended south to threaten the Egyptian Borders, and around 2100 BC they attempted to unite both the Sumerians and the Akkadians in one Kingdom called Babylonia. Around 1830 BC Somu Abum the Amorite declared himself King of Babylonia.
The Amorite Influence had even reached the Assyrian Empire by introducing prominent political figures such as the Shamshi H’dud Dynasty (1814 BC).
It is believed that the Name Amoro which means (WEST), was used by the ethnical Groups south of Mesopotamia, (The Akkadians and Sumerians mainly), as an indication to the people in the West. Which later by time such a description had become an Identity.
The Canaanites, The Arameians and other Minor Ethnicities will follow in my next Posts.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Natural Syria - Part 3
In my previous Post I shed some light on the environment of Natural Syria, its richness in providing a Uniform sort of Challenges to the Human Kind. Following here below I shall address the Ethnic elements of the Syrian People who inhabited this Land, filling up the Blanks of Human Needs to set the foundation of the process of seeking perfection, a Norm that conforms to the Human Nature and confirms the purpose of Life.
The Nattufians:
Archeologists have discovered agricultural instruments for plantation and harvesting made of Volcanic Stones in addition to other type of instruments such as sharp edged stone knives that go back to 12,000 BC in Mount Carmel, and particularly in the Nattuf Valley (Western Syria), indicating that the early inhabitants of that part of the world had invented methods to cultivate the Land and settle in a their environment.
Those inhabitants were called the Nattufians by Archeologists in reference to the Area they conducted their lives in. (The Nattuf Valley). (1)
There is no evidence so far for any other Ethnic Group to have practiced Cultivation earlier than those Pioneers.
It is strongly believed that the Art of Agriculture was not limited to the process of simple backyard cultivation, Rather with the invention of Harvesting tools and instruments, the Art has advanced to invent more methods to meet Agricultural Requirements, such as preservation of seeds from deterioration and wide spread of the use of storage Areas dedicated for Crops and seeds.
In addition to the above, the introduction of Hunting and construction tools were also a strong evidence of the Early Syrian Ethnic Nature which could be concluded to be the dedication for better life, The ability to impose their will on their environment, and the potential of creativity.
History Begins at Sumer. (2)
Those Pioneers in the History of Civilization, inhabited the lower parts of the South Easter Syria, a Swampy Area which provided the greatest challenge for the early ethnicities, an environment that does not favor Agriculture if left to nature, But the Sumerians responded by introducing the super power of the Human Touch, Building Dams to protect the Landscapes from being flooded, turning Swamps into Green Fields, Introducing methods and techniques that secures better cultivation, feeding a whole Ethnic Group, providing for growth in Population as a result of food availability, improvising and achieving uniformity between Health and wealth, seeking and finding sciences that divide the Land amongst their people in adequate Geometrical Shapes, sorting out duties and responsibilities by the ability to use the Science of Algebra in calculating Areas, Quantities, Values and the Like, which all led to spread Justice in their early community.
Their Traces go back to more than 5000 BC.
The Akkadians:
A lot of Historians have disputed the Origins of the Akkadians, some say they have come from the North Eastern Parts of Syria, Others Claim they Migrated from the Arabian Desert due to the need for Fertile environments that Provide food, Yet, what concerns us here is not the Origin which could be anywhere, Rather, their impact on the course of History and Civilization, which could only happen when they inhabited The Northern Portion of the Sumerian Habitat, with no precise and defined Limits and Boundaries separating them from the Sumerians.
It is with no doubt, their interaction with a more advanced group of people (The Sumerians), had provided them with the potential of putting up their Finger Prints on the Pages of History, Thus exploring their ability to create their civilization shaped by their character, Which at a later stage had conquered the area imposing themselves on the stage of Early civilization.
The question here is: Where did the Sumerians go when the Akkadians conquered?
Nowhere, they melted in the newly developed ethnic Structure of the Land that is Known NATURAL SYRIA. And their Civilization became the foundation upon which every other following civilization was flavored by its ingredients.
My following Posts will introduce the Assyrians, The Amorites, The Canaanites, The Arameians, and the Nabatians.
(1) - D.Bates & D.Garrod, the Stone Age of Mount Carmel, Oxford 1937.
(2) – S.N. Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, Philadelphia 1981.
The Nattufians:
Archeologists have discovered agricultural instruments for plantation and harvesting made of Volcanic Stones in addition to other type of instruments such as sharp edged stone knives that go back to 12,000 BC in Mount Carmel, and particularly in the Nattuf Valley (Western Syria), indicating that the early inhabitants of that part of the world had invented methods to cultivate the Land and settle in a their environment.
Those inhabitants were called the Nattufians by Archeologists in reference to the Area they conducted their lives in. (The Nattuf Valley). (1)
There is no evidence so far for any other Ethnic Group to have practiced Cultivation earlier than those Pioneers.
It is strongly believed that the Art of Agriculture was not limited to the process of simple backyard cultivation, Rather with the invention of Harvesting tools and instruments, the Art has advanced to invent more methods to meet Agricultural Requirements, such as preservation of seeds from deterioration and wide spread of the use of storage Areas dedicated for Crops and seeds.
In addition to the above, the introduction of Hunting and construction tools were also a strong evidence of the Early Syrian Ethnic Nature which could be concluded to be the dedication for better life, The ability to impose their will on their environment, and the potential of creativity.
History Begins at Sumer. (2)
Those Pioneers in the History of Civilization, inhabited the lower parts of the South Easter Syria, a Swampy Area which provided the greatest challenge for the early ethnicities, an environment that does not favor Agriculture if left to nature, But the Sumerians responded by introducing the super power of the Human Touch, Building Dams to protect the Landscapes from being flooded, turning Swamps into Green Fields, Introducing methods and techniques that secures better cultivation, feeding a whole Ethnic Group, providing for growth in Population as a result of food availability, improvising and achieving uniformity between Health and wealth, seeking and finding sciences that divide the Land amongst their people in adequate Geometrical Shapes, sorting out duties and responsibilities by the ability to use the Science of Algebra in calculating Areas, Quantities, Values and the Like, which all led to spread Justice in their early community.
Their Traces go back to more than 5000 BC.
The Akkadians:
A lot of Historians have disputed the Origins of the Akkadians, some say they have come from the North Eastern Parts of Syria, Others Claim they Migrated from the Arabian Desert due to the need for Fertile environments that Provide food, Yet, what concerns us here is not the Origin which could be anywhere, Rather, their impact on the course of History and Civilization, which could only happen when they inhabited The Northern Portion of the Sumerian Habitat, with no precise and defined Limits and Boundaries separating them from the Sumerians.
It is with no doubt, their interaction with a more advanced group of people (The Sumerians), had provided them with the potential of putting up their Finger Prints on the Pages of History, Thus exploring their ability to create their civilization shaped by their character, Which at a later stage had conquered the area imposing themselves on the stage of Early civilization.
The question here is: Where did the Sumerians go when the Akkadians conquered?
Nowhere, they melted in the newly developed ethnic Structure of the Land that is Known NATURAL SYRIA. And their Civilization became the foundation upon which every other following civilization was flavored by its ingredients.
My following Posts will introduce the Assyrians, The Amorites, The Canaanites, The Arameians, and the Nabatians.
(1) - D.Bates & D.Garrod, the Stone Age of Mount Carmel, Oxford 1937.
(2) – S.N. Kramer, History Begins at Sumer, Philadelphia 1981.
Natural Syria - Part 2
Where do I begin?
How do I choose the Preferences?
Should it be Ethnic elements or Geography?
What about the infrastructure?
Could it be The Challenges or Responses?
How about Achievements or Developments?
None of the above, yet all of the above.
What makes Syria,,, Syria, is how life chose to expose its Potential through all the above and much more.
Syria, the Natural Environment that offers a variety of Landscapes, Four well defined Seasons, the vast Planes, High Mountains and steeped valleys, Beautiful rivers with extended Green Banks, Pure and angry Skies, Tender and wild winds, Hot, Moderate and Cold Weather,, Heaven on Earth with Rich Resources.
I am not talking here about Oil or Uranium, Gold or Diamonds, Rather about the resources of Fundamental Requirements for Life.
Many Countries have the Same or even better variety of Natural offerings, But it even makes me wonder, how come we do not witness even a slight attempt by their inhabitants thousands of years back in contribution to what we call today Civilization,
Don’t get me wrong here, I am referring to those ages that extend back to 12000 - 9000 years BC, when the early Syrians decided to respond to the challenges of Nature, not by seeking shelter in a cave, but by constructing their own homes, Four walls with a roof, and tiled floors, with an entrance, Walls that meet at a right angle.
What does that mean?
Stability by settlement is the answer, better control over their Lives, an invasion to the world of agriculture when Man was still chasing his instinct for food and shelter, sometime it was a fruitful tree and some others was a wild Boar or a lost Deer.
It takes two to Tango, and Syria had it all, the perfect environment and the right ethnic elements.
The Northern Natural Borders extend from the series of The Taurus Mountains to meet the Zagharos Series at the North East, Joining the Gulf that penetrates the shores of three natural Nations, Persia, Syria and the Arabia, where the Arabia Desert takes over in the south extending to the Red Sea handing over these natural Boundaries to the Sinai Desert followed by the Mediterranean in the west.
What makes these Natural Boundaries so important in the history of Mankind?
The fact that the Life Cycle was embraced within these Borders, at times when means of transportation was so primitive that it could not overcome the desert’s challenge or provide easy access to people from both sides of the mountain’s series to interact easily and freely, Likewise for a fleet of early ships built by the Canaanites to offer an extended life cycle to areas beyond the Sea.
The Sumerians in the south eastern part of Syria were the first to appear in the course of the history of Civilization as an Ethnic Group, followed by the Akkadians, the Assyrians, the Amorites, Canaanites, Arameians, Nabatians, The Nattufians (12000 B.C, with reference to the Nattuf Valley North West of today’s Jerusalem) and many more, those Ethnic Threads that interacted to form the Syrian Natural Human Fabric.
For those who believe in God, it is God’s will to present life in this part of the world,
And for those who believe in Science, it is the perfect match between the two Tango Dancers, The Syrian Natural Habitat and the Syrian Ethnic Elements,
And for those who believe in Both, Syria, The Cradle of Civilization is the Bank of resources that never Dries, The Mother of Inventions and the Star that guides Humanity towards a better Life.
Could that be possible, or maybe there is a lot of Exaggeration in the above statement?
We shall see in Part three.
How do I choose the Preferences?
Should it be Ethnic elements or Geography?
What about the infrastructure?
Could it be The Challenges or Responses?
How about Achievements or Developments?
None of the above, yet all of the above.
What makes Syria,,, Syria, is how life chose to expose its Potential through all the above and much more.
Syria, the Natural Environment that offers a variety of Landscapes, Four well defined Seasons, the vast Planes, High Mountains and steeped valleys, Beautiful rivers with extended Green Banks, Pure and angry Skies, Tender and wild winds, Hot, Moderate and Cold Weather,, Heaven on Earth with Rich Resources.
I am not talking here about Oil or Uranium, Gold or Diamonds, Rather about the resources of Fundamental Requirements for Life.
Many Countries have the Same or even better variety of Natural offerings, But it even makes me wonder, how come we do not witness even a slight attempt by their inhabitants thousands of years back in contribution to what we call today Civilization,
Don’t get me wrong here, I am referring to those ages that extend back to 12000 - 9000 years BC, when the early Syrians decided to respond to the challenges of Nature, not by seeking shelter in a cave, but by constructing their own homes, Four walls with a roof, and tiled floors, with an entrance, Walls that meet at a right angle.
What does that mean?
Stability by settlement is the answer, better control over their Lives, an invasion to the world of agriculture when Man was still chasing his instinct for food and shelter, sometime it was a fruitful tree and some others was a wild Boar or a lost Deer.
It takes two to Tango, and Syria had it all, the perfect environment and the right ethnic elements.
The Northern Natural Borders extend from the series of The Taurus Mountains to meet the Zagharos Series at the North East, Joining the Gulf that penetrates the shores of three natural Nations, Persia, Syria and the Arabia, where the Arabia Desert takes over in the south extending to the Red Sea handing over these natural Boundaries to the Sinai Desert followed by the Mediterranean in the west.
What makes these Natural Boundaries so important in the history of Mankind?
The fact that the Life Cycle was embraced within these Borders, at times when means of transportation was so primitive that it could not overcome the desert’s challenge or provide easy access to people from both sides of the mountain’s series to interact easily and freely, Likewise for a fleet of early ships built by the Canaanites to offer an extended life cycle to areas beyond the Sea.
The Sumerians in the south eastern part of Syria were the first to appear in the course of the history of Civilization as an Ethnic Group, followed by the Akkadians, the Assyrians, the Amorites, Canaanites, Arameians, Nabatians, The Nattufians (12000 B.C, with reference to the Nattuf Valley North West of today’s Jerusalem) and many more, those Ethnic Threads that interacted to form the Syrian Natural Human Fabric.
For those who believe in God, it is God’s will to present life in this part of the world,
And for those who believe in Science, it is the perfect match between the two Tango Dancers, The Syrian Natural Habitat and the Syrian Ethnic Elements,
And for those who believe in Both, Syria, The Cradle of Civilization is the Bank of resources that never Dries, The Mother of Inventions and the Star that guides Humanity towards a better Life.
Could that be possible, or maybe there is a lot of Exaggeration in the above statement?
We shall see in Part three.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Natural Syria - Part 1
The Perfect Natural Habitat of Human Invention, The spring of all Creativity, The Mother of all Civilization, the Breast that Fed Humanity with Divine Religions.
This is Syria.
A world of its own that extends back to Prehistoric times, when Life was evolving to impose itself on this Planet, God’s Favorite Creature, MAN, Had set foot on this Natural Habitat to explore the Potentials of Giving.
The Perfect Interaction between Man and Nature, The right response to the challenges of Natural environments whereby The early Syrian Ethnic elements had refused to submit to the obstacles of their environment, Thus taming their Natural Habitat to meet their will for life.
Swamps were turned into Agricultural Land, Trees were utilized to protect fertile Landscapes from heavy winds, Crops were preserved to secure continuity, Sciences were invented to guarantee justice amongst the people, Algebra and Geometry were created to shape property and calculate productivity.
This and much more was the Syrian’s Daily Bread when the world was still struggling for survival, Cannibals were roaming the surfaces of the continents of what is called today the Free world.
Of All Civilizations throughout History, The Syrians are the only People who developed their own Civilization without pre-interaction with other Civilizations.
The Greeks, The Persians, The Egyptians, the Romans and others Played an important role in the development of civilization, yet Syria was the source of their inspiration, not to mention the Syrian Contribution to their civilization Structure.
Just mention it and you shall find the finger prints of the Syrian civilization embedded in our daily lives today.
Legislation, Philosophy, Mathematics, Structures, Mythology, Astronomy, Fashion, Hairdressing, Town Planning, Democracy, ( Yes Democracy ), The alphabets, the Invention of paper, Sailing and ship design and building, Navigation, Agriculture, Music and musical Language ,,,,
Just think of it, Just Name it,,, Random pick, and you’ll find a Syrian Finger print.
I once read this proverb,
Every Human Being has two Homes, His Mother Home and Syria.
Which provoked me to dig into the Origins of all the above, and the more I dug, the deeper I got involved in the beauty of Life, and stronger became my appreciation for its Values and Qualities.
I am proud to be a Syrian from Natural Syria.
(My next post will address some of many of the Syrian Civilization achievements)
This is Syria.
A world of its own that extends back to Prehistoric times, when Life was evolving to impose itself on this Planet, God’s Favorite Creature, MAN, Had set foot on this Natural Habitat to explore the Potentials of Giving.
The Perfect Interaction between Man and Nature, The right response to the challenges of Natural environments whereby The early Syrian Ethnic elements had refused to submit to the obstacles of their environment, Thus taming their Natural Habitat to meet their will for life.
Swamps were turned into Agricultural Land, Trees were utilized to protect fertile Landscapes from heavy winds, Crops were preserved to secure continuity, Sciences were invented to guarantee justice amongst the people, Algebra and Geometry were created to shape property and calculate productivity.
This and much more was the Syrian’s Daily Bread when the world was still struggling for survival, Cannibals were roaming the surfaces of the continents of what is called today the Free world.
Of All Civilizations throughout History, The Syrians are the only People who developed their own Civilization without pre-interaction with other Civilizations.
The Greeks, The Persians, The Egyptians, the Romans and others Played an important role in the development of civilization, yet Syria was the source of their inspiration, not to mention the Syrian Contribution to their civilization Structure.
Just mention it and you shall find the finger prints of the Syrian civilization embedded in our daily lives today.
Legislation, Philosophy, Mathematics, Structures, Mythology, Astronomy, Fashion, Hairdressing, Town Planning, Democracy, ( Yes Democracy ), The alphabets, the Invention of paper, Sailing and ship design and building, Navigation, Agriculture, Music and musical Language ,,,,
Just think of it, Just Name it,,, Random pick, and you’ll find a Syrian Finger print.
I once read this proverb,
Every Human Being has two Homes, His Mother Home and Syria.
Which provoked me to dig into the Origins of all the above, and the more I dug, the deeper I got involved in the beauty of Life, and stronger became my appreciation for its Values and Qualities.
I am proud to be a Syrian from Natural Syria.
(My next post will address some of many of the Syrian Civilization achievements)
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